About Us
We Employ Latest Research Technology & Company
Founded in 2011, Belmont Scientific, Inc. is a contract research and testing laboratory. With more than 20 years of industry experience, Belmont Scientific’s staff is well equipped to handle unique and challenging investigations. Based near Boston, Massachusetts, the company facility has a full testing laboratory. The company has also established partnerships with other facilities so that we can address all your testing and evaluation needs.
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Our Expert Team

Surendra K. Singh, Ph.D.
Founder & President
Dr. Singh is a thermal scientist and well-known expert in chemical reactivity and dust explosion testing. His experience includes the evaluation of the stability of chemicals and their fire and explosion hazard potential using various instrumental techniques including; adiabatic calorimetric, minimum ignition energy (MIE) apparatus, 20-liter sphere for dust and gas explosion (KSt value), BAM oven for flammability, and blasting cap testing for shock sensitivity. Dr. Singh has been involved in incident investigations, where self-heating resulted in thermal runaway or catastrophe. His work has included determining the origin and cause of thermal runaway reactions and/or explosions. Dr. Singh’s technical work in battery technology includes; failure analysis, process hazard analysis, thermal hazard evaluation of battery & battery components, and electrochemical performance evaluation including cycle life/calendar life for various applications (Medical devices, portable power, power tools, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), etc.) Prior to starting Belmont Scientific, Dr. Singh worked at ioKinetic, ioMosaic, Exponent, TIAX, LLC and Arthur D. Little, Inc. Dr. Singh holds a Ph.D. in Process Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, a MS in Organic chemistry from Kanpur University, India, and BS in Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany from Lucknow University, India.
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Dr. Meenaa Chandrasekar, Ph.D.
Lab Engineer
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Mitch Lairmore
Director of Business Development
Mr. Lairmore worked at Eastman-Kodak from 1986 to 2007 in various capacities ranging from Business Analyst to Business Development Director. He them moved to Dawnbreaker where he provided commercialization assistance to more than 300 companies awarded Phase I and Phase II SBIR projects from these agencies; NSF, DoE, US Navy, DoT, DHS, EPA, NIH, US Army, US Air Force, MDA and DARPA. He is a Certified Global Business Professional – National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators; and a Certified Live Plan Expert Advisor. He has authored several publications on SBIR commercialization. He has a MBA from University of Rochester’s Simon School of Business Administration Rochester, New York and a BS in Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (1980)
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Dwaine Coates
Senior Consultant
Mr. Coates is a Battery Consultant with 40 years of experience working with all types of batteries. His expertise includes; design, engineering, modeling & simulation, technology, manufacturing, root cause analysis, applications, documentation, safety, and reliability. Mr. Coates has experience working in the following industries; aviation, military, electric vehicle, alternative energy, and aerospace. He current has SSBI/DOD/SCI/TS clearance. He worked at Boeing as a Boeing Designated Expert (BDE) on the battery subject matter and was an expert and technical lead engineer. He also founded and led the Boeing Enterprise Level Battery Community of Practice for 15 years. He authored a chapter in Linden’s Handbook of Batteries, as well as more than 80 technical publications and conference presentations.
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Senior Consultant
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Partners & Industry Associations

Chemitics, LLC
Chemitics provides consulting solutions for oil, gas, and chemical process industry companies. Their areas of expertise include: Pressure Relief & Flare System Design; Analysis and Management; Process Safety Information Auditing and Management; Process Simulation; and Project Management. Chemitics’ comprehensive approach is designed to practicably ensure management of your process safety information.
For more info visit https://www.chemitics.com

Bright Calcs, LLC
Bright Calcs LLC (BC) is a Process Safety & Loss Prevention Consultancy focused on performing accurate calculations, ensuring robust results, and providing elegant & cost-effective solutions to decision-makers; i.e., we partner with you when the critical actions have to be decided.
For more info visit https://www.brightcalcs.com
Belmont Scientific is an active member of Design Institute of Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS).